Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Basic Rules

  1. The rules apply anywhere on the sea or connected to it (subject to local by laws)
  2. Keep a good lookout at all times by all means available (sight, sound, radar)
  3. Maintain a safe speed appropriate to the conditions:
       (i)  visibility;
       (ii) traffic density 
       (iii) manoeuvrability of the vessel with reference to stopping distance and turning ability
       (iv) at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights
       (v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards
       (vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water
  4. The words 'Right of Way' do not occur in the IRPCS.  A 'stand on' vessel should maintain its course and speed until it is apparent that the 'give way' vessel is not taking sufficient avoiding action.  Then all vessels are obliged to keep clear.
  5. Action taken to avoid collision shall  be positive, made in ample time and safe.  Do not make a succession of small changes in course or speed.
  6. Special rules apply in fog (IRPCS Rule 19).  No vessel has stand on rights.If you hear a vessel ahead in fog, slow down but maintain steerage way, stop if necessary, and navigate with caution till the danger of collision is past.

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